Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Electro Technik Websites Revamped

After talking to some of our sales representatives it became apparent that there was some confusion with our websites.  Not the Electro Technik Industries site (, but some of the subsidiary sites. 

The problem was that on those sites we had at the far left, a button in red that said "ETI Home".  When someone on the Res-net Microwave site ( would click it they thought they were going back to the Res-net homepage, when in actuality they were heading to the parent company's (ETI) homepage.  This of course not only confused and frustrated customers and potential customers, but increased our bounce rates as well.

So, we listened to our customers and reps and have modified the website to avoid this confusion in the future.  The "Home" button on the left, is now the actual company's homepage and the ETI Corporate page is off to the right and labeled as such.  Thank you to all those that brought this to our attention.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Can a Website Have Too Much Information?

I frequent an electronics magazine website that currently does not want to load.  I end up receiving a message at the bottom about a "long running script".  This actually happens periodically with this specific website, although I have run into this problem at other sites as well.

So, the question becomes, is my computer too slow?  I am not currently having the issue with the other websites I visited today.  Does the website have too much information and graphics for a laptop to download?  Perhaps it is the server.  Whatever the cause it is frustrating and a good lesson to us that have websites like:  I just checked and it loaded rather quickly, but maybe I just don't have enough information.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Funny Commercial?

I generally do not like commercials, but Pepsi MAX has a very funny one with Jeff Gordon that was worth viewing.  I thought the advertising agency was brilliant by peeking consumers interest via the TV and then having them go to the Internet to see it in its entirety.  It currently has over 33 million views.  so, saying it went viral, might be an understatement.

Now, however, the video has been revealed to be a fake and that Jeff Gordon, didn't even drive the car.

So, what does that do to a brand like Pepsi?  Do consumers/customers feel duped or worse, lied to?  Perhaps it all plays into their "in disguise" mantra.  I guess we will just have to wait and see.