Thursday, May 14, 2015

Muscling Up In Costa Rica

As Electro Technik Industries grows, so, too, does its need for production engineering and administrative support.

Our near-offshore plant in Costa Rica has been manufacturing resistors and magnetics products (transformers, toroids, inductors) over 30 years.

With ETI’s purchase of Inductive Technologies, Inc. (I-Tech) in 2010, we acquired a neighboring facility in Costa Rica with manufacturing space, equipment, and skilled workers. Its hundreds of catalogued products provide an excellent selection tool for our customers, who may need exactly what’s depicted (an I-Tech standard product), or something quite similar but with certain custom modifications (a Hytronics custom engineered product).

For the custom products, most of the design engineering and prototyping has taken place in Clearwater, Florida, where top-level engineering could interact with purchasing and other administrative functions to basically “package” selected projects suitable for manufacture in Costa Rica.

With more and more work being produced in Costa Rica, it became more imperative to have the expertise down there to support it.  Ten years ago a key Tepro manufacturing manager moved down to help ensure a good production process.  After that our head of purchasing came down there to help streamline that function.  Now, the head of magnetics engineering for Hytronics, Winatic, and I-Tech has made the move as well.

To say Costa Rica has some talented individuals is an understatement.  They had an exceptionally superior team before these 3 individuals moved down, now they are really bulking up.

The Costa Rican facility is already one of ETI’s largest with 25,000 square feet and an ISO 9001 registration to boot.  Now, with all this talent located on site, we’re sure that problem-solving will simplify, operations will improve, economies will be discovered that we can act upon, and average turnaround times will be cut by 20% (that’s their marching orders).

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