As you may or may not know, Electro Technik Industries, through some of its subsidiaries (Raycom Electronics & Hytronics Corp) manufactures transformers. The type that transmits electrical energy from one circuit to another, not the transformer deemed a living robotic species from the planet Cybertron.
So in order to make it easier and clear up any confusion, here is a list of things our, passive electronic component transformers, do not have or will not do:
1. Your children will not play with our transformers.
2. Our transformers, although brilliant in their own right, will not star in a feature blockbuster movie.
3. Our transformers will not save the Earth from a galactic invasion, but we can save you 15% on your component costs.
4. Our transformer sales will not increase three-fold during the Christmas holiday season (although our fingers are crossed).
5. Our transformers will not befriend Shia LaBeouf.
6. If our transformers change shape, we have a quality problem, not a new weapon to fight evil.
7. Our transformers don't have cool names like Megatron and Optimus Prime, the closest we get is a power transformer.
8. None of our promotional videos are coming out on Blu-Ray.
9. Megan Fox won't fall for one of our engineers (although they have their fingers crossed).
10. We will not be approached about creating a new video game for our product and its subsequent downloadable App.(the closest we get is AutoCAD).